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  • What Makes A Good Website?

    A lot of things have changed over the past 30 years, not the least has been how we use websites in...

What Makes A Good Website?

A lot of things have changed over the past 30 years, not the least has been how we use websites in our daily lives. It’s hard to believe, but the first websites started to appear on the World Wide Web back in 1993. With simple designs and very basic interaction, the first sites were not much more than a modern version of “Microfiche”.

So What Makes A Good Website?

A lot of things have changed over the past 30 years, not the least has been how we use websites in our daily lives. It’s hard to believe, but the first websites started to appear on the World Wide Web back in 1993. With simple designs and very basic interaction, the first sites were not much more than a modern version of “Microfiche”.

All that has changed, and today almost every single business, school, government agency, and many individuals rely on a website to provide massive amounts of information to the public. Each website is designed for a specific need and purpose to provide exactly the user experience necessary to increase traffic to the site.

So, what makes a good website? Let’s start with the basics.

  1. Design

    A website’s design is crucial in providing a portal to your business. It also defines how visitors will interact with its content. Many might be familiar with drop and drag website design sites, and some may have even tried them only to be disappointed by the limitations usually found out too late in the process. That’s why more and more businesses are using the services of professional web designers to design a new or modify a current site design to help them stand out from competitors and increase website traffic.

    Design Considerations.

    A. Professional web designers carefully consider the “color palette” looking to find the right color balance that will engage users and exemplify your business brand.

    B. The right font. Choosing the wrong font can have a serious impact on the site’s readability. The proper font with proper spacing provides a superior user experience making the text stand out.

    C. Visual Experience. Color, proportion, and contrast help emphasize specific elements along with using grids and whitespace to help create an organized look.

    D. Web Accessibility is essential in some cases, meeting legal requirements for the visually impaired and improving user overall experience.

    So far we have just touched on the very beginning of what it takes to have a “Good Website”

    Next time we’ll discuss SEO and why you absolutely need to take advantage of the opportunities it provides.